Our 2009 Head of Photography, Nicholas Wong has blogged about his own experience in the SAC and I'll take several excerpts from his blog to better describe to you the comprehensive SAC experience...
On the SAC
'At the end of the day, its the experience that counts, and all the joy that came with it.
It has been a wonderful year albeit ups and downs here and there BUT I just want to say, I enjoy working with you guys. For a bunch of us who were new to each other initially (at least for some of us), I can say we’d come a long way, and the SAC traditional saying was proven once again – we’ve become a family! =)
At least that was what I felt. Heh.'
A sentiment all of us will probably agree with.
'Well, the preparations for the event weren’t all sweet and nice, it was all sweat and blood I tell you! It may look like we’re one bunch of crazy people on the outside, but the effort and late nights to make it great for you people were beyond comprehension. BUT we really did had fun in the process =)
Haha, I remember all the rehearsal sessions for our play, the stupid stuffs we did, the bloopers, the NG scenes, classic. The dance practice was a real funny experience, seeing the fact NONE of us knew how to dance. Okay lah, David Yeap had background in it, and I think Amanda too. So yea you could imagine all the crabs trying to dance like pros. LOL!'
'A big scale event like the CAT/ACCA Prom Night, was our highlight of the year, held on the 17th of July. Well, we used to do camps, if some of you might remember in the previous years, it was always the ACCA Camp. We decided to do away with camp this year, and since everyone has been demanding for a prom since God knows when, the SAC Board of 2009 was ready to take up the challenge.
Mr. Teo was being really skeptical about our efforts initially, and many times he had asked us to revert to camp, since he wasn’t convinced his students will pay to go to prom. Oh how he was so wrong! XD With the initial target set at 300 students for us, we pushed our target to 500, and guess what we exceeded it to 600!
Of course the part of getting sponsorships was a pain, considering it was a period of recession and economic downturn, asking companies to fork out money is a very stressful factor indeed. I remember Reb used to look tired and stressed day in day out, worrying about whether or not we have enough cash, at times I was worried she would suffer a mental breakdown!'On Graduation
'After prom, when we thought all is done for the year, we had the 19th CAT/ACCA Graduation Ceremony dumped on our shoulders! It was recently held on the 3rd of October. Well, it used to be fully under the Admin people, with SAC providing support in terms of manpower. This semester, it was placed fully under SAC and will be a SAC event every semester.'
I couldn't have said it better myself. You can find his whole post here if you wish.
So, to the 2010 Board and future generations of the SAC, this is what you have to look forward to. All the best and never stop having fun in the progress!
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