Sunday, September 06, 2009

Think Positive

It has been a long time that I did not update the blog. sorry ><"
Well, I was too tired of studying so I decided to find something to read to let my mind relax. When I flipped through the pages of a book, I noticed an interesting article with the title " Think Positive ". My eyes stopped at this black bold heading and started to scan through it. *OS from my heart: Ok!! This is kinda short. I can finish it within a short time. It won't take me too long.*
Please be patient & finish reading my post. I really hope that it will help you in certain ways ^^
The article begins with...
" Your level of success in terms of your happiness, emotional well-being and anything else you desire is a direct result of how you talk to yourself. The most important relationship you will ever have is the one with yourself.

Listen to the self-talk that goes on in your head and ask yourself: " Is what I'm saying allowing me to be confident,on top and going for it? OR is it holding me back and stopping me from achieving my goals? " If this is the case, you have to change tracks.

Talking to yourself in a postive way will help you to feel physically better. Words have enormous power to create change in the chemistry of your body.

Take a moment to say some words to yourself such as holidays, warm sunshine, beaches, delicious food. Are you starting to get good feelings?

So think about things you say to yourself and make every statement in the present tense. For instance, DO NOT say : " I'm going to be....... "

You should say : " I am totally in control of my life. I am totally confident and positive. I have determination and drive to achieve my goals. "

What you are actually doing is re-programming your subconsciuos. If you talk to yourself in a POSITIVE WAY, that is what your subconscious will focus on.

On the other hand, if you talk to yourself in a negative way, that is what your subconscious will focus on. If you think doom ang gloom, that is what you will get.

Put this to the test right away: For the next seven days, listen to what you say to yourself & if it is negative, change it to something more positive. You will start to feel better, Look better & have much more success in what you do....................." End of the article.

This is the summary of the whole article. It is something new & you should try it out. I do not know whether it really works but it is true about a few points mentioned in the passage. Well, continue to have faith in weverything that you do. I am sure that you will succeed in attaining your own targets =) Gambateh~~

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